While a new calendar year can spark feelings of hopefulness and rebirth, I'd love to offer a gentle reminder that the "New Year" of the Earth doesn't happen until Spring.
If you're feeling slower, sleepier, and not quite ready to rearrange your world right now, you're right on time. And if you're eager to start anew with fresh habits and practices, that's great too.
You get to do life however you want!
So don’t let the hype sway you from your deep roots and wise knowledge of what is best for you.
I'm sharing a few things below that I hope will support you in the coming weeks to feel nourished, grounded, and peaceful. :)
Digital Detox
My beautiful Winter Breathwork Series group and I are embarking upon a Digital Detox and I invite you to join us too. I'll share with you what I've shared with them below...
Our devices are designed to be distracting. They inhibit our ability to focus and interrupt how we hear our intuition and feel our connection with Spirit. Throughout the month of January, I am committed to doing my own detox of dependency on devices and would love to invite you to join me.
Here are two options for you to play with when designing your own Digital Detox.
Option 1: Turn your phone off (not airplane mode, off) each day around dinner time, and don't turn it back on until the next morning after you've had the opportunity to do some sort of self-care. If you're used to using your phone as an alarm clock, consider purchasing an inexpensive clock with an alarm function. Allow your bedroom to be a cozy sanctuary with books, candles, incense, essential oils, and blankets versus a continuation of technological stimuli. As you become comfortable with this time frame, lengthen it more and more.
Option 2: One day each week, keep your phone off the entire day. Turn your phone off around dinner time the night before and don't turn it back on until mid-morning the following day. Keep your phone in a drawer you rarely use or somewhere that's harder to get to, like your bedroom dresser or your car's glove box. Notice how much more time and space you have and how much more focus and less anxiety you have.
Is this something you normally do? Do you already have a Digital Detox practice? I'd love to hear what works for you. Comment below and let me know!
Ideas for Creating Sacred Space in 2021
Over the years, the rituals that I use each day have become a powerful source of grounding, healing, and self-connection. Sacred rituals done with intention allow us to marry the mundane to the sacred and allow the material world to mingle with the spiritual world. Simply put, daily rituals can bring us home to our True Selves. The start of a new year is always a wonderful time to set intentions and begin something new.
Here are some ideas to refresh your current rituals or start something new:
🌹 Wake up well. Start your day off right with a sensual, spacious ritual you love. Take time to stretch and welcome the sun, breathing into your body, or open your journal to write down your intentions for the day.
🌹 Schedule time for something you look forward to as you make your way through your day. This could be making time to read your favorite book or an afternoon cup of hot cacao.
🌹 Create a movement practice you actually LOVE. Let it be simple and life-giving like dancing however your body wants to move for 10 minutes. Let it be fun, let it be easy. Do you have favorite rituals? I would love to hear them in the comments below! How are you creating sacred space this month?
Listen: January Vibes
A playlist for weaving yourself into the month
Music is one of the fastest and easiest ways to shift your energy from a lower vibration to a higher one. It also can weave important messaging into your subconscious when used intentionally. I've made this playlist for you to enjoy all month long.