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1-On-1 Guidance Session
1 hr | $375
Each month, I hold a few spots for single sessions, and I support a few long-term private clients at a time.
Depending on your needs and where you desire support, a Guidance Session is an opportunity to dive deep and co-create clarity in a single session.
Whether you’re: navigating an area of life or relationship(s) that feel challenging; seeking greater guidance around your work as a guide for others; or have questions about sitting with plant medicine at any stage, and desire to have my support (and seeing) around where you are, I support folks with a wide variety of things and offer my 10+ years of experience and training in the healing arts to support you.

During your session, feel free to request support around my particular areas of expertise:
+ Places in your life/work in which you feel limited, stuck, or insecure
+ Relational challenges with family, friends, romantic partners, etc.
+ Support around your work as a guide for others
+ Psychedelic preparation, integration, or questions around plant medicine work
+ Integrating old patterns, past experiences, or conditioning that no longer serve you
+ Inner child healing and/or integrating childhood trauma
+ Navigating difficult emotions, grief, loss, anger, etc.
+ Soul Alignment & life purpose / stepping into your leadership and gifts
+ Embracing & healing your feminine side

“Stephanie is a true master of her craft, and this opportunity came to me at the perfect time. This was transformative - a glow-up for the soul! I was able to connect with Spirit, heal some generational wounds & relationships and begin to walk along the path of self-love and acceptance. I took a deep dive into some difficult-to-navigate waters, and Stephanie was masterful at guiding me and holding the space for this healing to occur. I was able to witness a fuller expression of myself; spiritually aligned and guided, which is the greatest gift.”
- Tara Goecks, Client

“In only one year of working with Stephanie, my inner life completely changed. It is astounding to look back at where I was a year ago in so much pain and confusion to now experiencing the clarity and depth of self compassion and presence I only dreamed possible. Stephanie's loving support and gift of seeing my highest potential allowed my courageous spirit to face my worn out patterns head on with love and compassion.”
- Lauren Johnson, Client

“Stephanie is a conduit to healing. Working with her helped me understand myself more deeply and thus find new levels of self-acceptance.Through her 1:1 support she helped me alchemize decades of shame and self-hate into new levels of embodied self-forgiveness and self-compassion. It is a rare thing to be held in such wisdom and unconditional support. I am forever grateful for her presence in my life and her work in the world.”
- Kit Murray Maloney, Client & Founder of Kitara Love

Curious about working with me longer term? I do offer discounted 6 or 12 session packages, for former clients who inquire and we agree it’s a good fit. If you’re interested in longer term support, start by booking a few sessions and we’ll see how we flow together.