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August 2024's New Moon in Leo: Embrace Your Uniqueness, Lead with Confidence, & Create with Courage

Imagine standing at the center of a grand theater, the velvet curtains drawn wide, and the audience hushed in anticipation. This is your moment—the stage where you embrace your uniqueness, step into the spotlight and let your creative brilliance shine.

Sound intriguing? This kind of energy is what we have to look forward to with August's New Moon in Leo.

This week, we welcome the New Moon in Leo and we'll be basking in this energy for several days.

In this post, you’ll find several helpful tips to support you in connecting to the energies of the New Moon in Leo, including:


+ Helpful info on the New Moon in Leo

+ Ritual suggestions

+ Journal prompts


Let's explore some New Moon rituals that can assist you in stepping into your power, igniting your passions, and creating fearlessly with the astrological Fire sign of Leo as our guide.

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The moon, with her ever-changing phases, offers us a monthly rhythm to connect with and explore our inner worlds. Tracking the moon’s cycle is one of the best ways to begin understanding your body’s cyclical shifts, your emotional needs and to improve your overall well-being.

About the New Moon:

The New Moon is the most mysterious time of the moon’s cycle, bringing darkness to the night sky for 3 days.  In response to the moon's darkness, you may notice that you tend to feel more reflective and internal.  

Physically, your energy may be at its lowest and you may feel more tired or sensitive. Emotionally, the New Moon is a time to tune into your heart’s desires and listen to what your inner world is saying.

 You may naturally be more introspective during a New Moon, thus, it’s a powerful opportunity to set intentions and actively choose to meet your deepest desires.

During a New Moon, ritual and reflection are potent as they are most supported by both Cosmic and Earth energies, allowing us to gain deeper insight and magnetize our desires. 



About Leo:

Leo is a fire sign in astrology that is typically thought of as playful, confident, generous, and creative. Leo's energy supports us to show up authentically as we are while letting others shine too. When the moon is in Leo it is a time to give yourself praise and attention and to acknowledge what’s going well for you. It's a time to honor yourself and be confident in your gifts and talents.


New Moons in Leo:

A new moon in Leo can be a powerful time to set intentions around growth and self-confidence through play, living with courage, and embracing your leadership- the ways you guide yourself and others, no matter how small.  It is an invitation to reinvigorate your vitality and self-determination.

When a new moon is in Leo, we are asked to see ourselves for who we really are - divine creatures with a purpose.   We are invited to honor our strengths with gratitude and reflect on how we can use them more generously in our lives. 


Observe the Night Sky:

Sometime this week, ideally in the next few days, create a ritual for yourself to intentionally connect with the moon.  Take a moment to go outside at night and look at the moon.  Notice where she is in her cycle. 

Is the night sky dark or do you see a bit of light from the sliver of the moon’s crescent? 


Honor and acknowledge the moon’s influence over the tides of your inner waters -your womb and blood, and your menstrual cycle if you are a bleeding body.  Where are you in your cycle?

Connect with the Astrological Sign of Leo

As a Fire sign, Leo rules your internal fire- your passion, ambition, motivation, and confidence. During the Leo New Moon, work with the element of Fire and all it represents to purify, cleanse, amplify & alchemize.

  • Burn sacred smokes to cleanse your home or workspace

  • Perform a fire ritual, symbolically burning away that which no longer serves

  • Work with plants and herbal medicines that arouse your creativity & libido

  • Honor your gifts and talents and commit to shining as brightly as you can

  •  Create an altar working with items that represent your passions, talents, & skills to honor your creative fire

  • Engage in lively conversations about your interests and dreams

  • Surprise your beloveds with thoughtful acts of love

  • Acknowledge the people in your life who inspire you

  • Attend events, parties, or creative gatherings that inspire you

  • Dance or move your body

  • Play!



Take a moment to slow down, light a candle or some incense, breathe deeply, and tune in.  Imagine you are planting seeds.  You may want to journal, meditate, or practice some Breathwork for greater clarity. 


Reflect and explore where you might create more intention in your life and consider…


+ What areas of your life are calling you to amplify your devotion to yourself and your light? 


+ What are your strengths and how can you call upon them to witness your gifts more fully?


+ What are you digesting right now? Processing? Moving through, experiencing?


+ How can you utilize your strengths with confidence and courage to move forward or let go?


+ What would you love to see happen in the next moon cycle ahead?

Aligning moments of your life with the Earth’s cycles and rhythms can deepen your connection to yourself and the entire universe. By intentionally pausing to connect with the natural world, you create an opportunity to start anew each month. You can set intentions, and goals, and create aligned action steps to support what you wish to manifest from exactly where you are in the moment.

Remember: as the moon waxes and wanes, so do we. The more you connect with the phases of the moon, the more you may understand your inner world and connect more deeply with nature so that you feel greater balance and emotional harmony.


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